Our friends over at Snook are working on a brand new research project focusing on the relationship between mental wellbeing and employment.
Commissioned by the Department of Health, Snook are exploring how people manage their mental health alongside employment related issues – whether that’s looking for work/training, being in a job, or dealing with issues at work. The findings of the research will be used to develop new services in this area.
Snook are currently arranging a series of workshops and interviews with small groups of people to gain insights into opportunities for improving services. They are now looking for a group of recent graduates or individuals trying to get onto the career ladder after a period of training or unemployment, to get involved for a one-off 2-hour session.
This is an awesome opportunity for you to see the link between employment and mental wellbeing, and to give feedback to Department of Health on the areas you believe need more focus. It’s a rare opportunity to help contribute to improvements in mental health support related to employment. (You’ll also get a £20 Love to Shop voucher for taking part!)
The session will take place in the morning of Thursday 15 January in Glasgow. If you’d like to get involved please email Valerie at Snook before Sunday 11 January 2015.