Master working from home!
Create a dedicated office space
Ideally you will be able to dedicate a whole room for your home office; however, this is not always possible, especially in smaller flats. Whatever your situation, you can find a guide here (link to our blog) on how to organise your office space efficiently.
Set up boundaries
If you live with others, help them understand that working from home doesn’t make it any less ‘working’. Close the door, maybe put on some music that will help you concentrate and keep a typical working day schedule with set breaks and lunch.
Keep a consistent schedule
Some people are morning types and some others work better during the night hours; either way, however, keeping regular working hours will regulate your sleep and off-work hours more easily. A consistent and healthy work-life balance will help you to resist the temptation to either work too much or too little.
It is also useful to maintain a daily routine with your most important tasks, as knowing what to expect, more or less, every day makes concentrating easier and most efficient.
Communicate often
Since you won’t see any of your colleagues in the kitchen or walking down the hallway anytime soon, you’ll have to make a deliberate effort to stay in touch with them. Use your email, chat, phone or skype to communicate with them on a regular basis. It will help your team stay focused and up to date. Communicating well and often is the key to success in long-distance work situations.
Vary where you work from
Staying home is very convenient but it can also be tiring and isolating at times. Working from your local library or a cafe for a few hours can be incredibly refreshing and productive.